Falling in Love With Fall Time!
Ring, Ring, Ring! The Kids are FINALLY back in school, Fall weather is creeping up in the air, Football Season is in (Go Cowboys), my favorite shows are returning #Scandal #Greysantomy #Howtogetawaywithmurder (Yes, I am a Shondaland Shonda Rhymes Groupie) and O let me not forget to mention it's almost time for the Annual State Fair! You know what that means, Sausage Dogs, Candy Apples, Funnel Cakes..... Umm,Umm,Umm.Life is wonderful, if I do say so myself!
O Fall, so Happy you are making your way back around soon!
One thing I like about fall is the weather and change in season and in our lives that it brings. To everything there is a season,and eventually all the pieces will fall together! and with each season that comes, there's also change, a difference in how things look, a difference in the grass, the tress, the way we dress!
I discussed all that I loved about Fall but in this season I've also realized their are some things that I don't like about fall. Such as how the days seem shorter, it get dark way to early, no more flip-flops, and tank tops. So as with each season life brings their going to good things we like and bad things too. Just like life.
To better explain what I mean, allow me to elaborate. I made a list and on that list... I wrote down what I was determined had to fall from being apart of my life! Such as excuses, fear, validation from others! Yes, that dream killer stuff that so many of us fall for and tolerate in our life. Just like those leaves fall from the trees this time time of year a lot of us need to let some of those negative things fall from our lives as well.
So,this Fall I told myself I was going to let the leaves of excuses,fear, and more fall from my tree. I've chosen to:
Stop falling for excuses to not do better, falling for fear of being afraid of what others would think, falling for the lies I keep telling myself that I'm not smart enough, talented enough, or good enough to start this amazing Mommy Me Premier site.
I've always loved Fall, I mean who doesn't! But at this season in my life I'm not only Falling for the Fall Weather, leaves, and the awesome breeze it brings, but I'm also falling back in love with Me!
So yes, Fall, I'm excited for all the external things that you bring from the leaves, the shows, and fair....but internally I'm also excited for the internal things that I am allowing to be at work within Me that for years I allowed that inner voice in me to talk myself out of.
This Fall I'm ....
Falling back in Love with my Passions!
Falling back in love with my dreams!
Falling back in love with my Goals!
Falling back in love with that person I once was who was not afraid to take a chance, make a mistake, give it my all, reach for the top without fear being stopped! and if I were stopped, Guess what? I'd just try again, again, and again!
So Yes, I'm falling in love with Fall, but I am also falling back in love with myself and the traits and characteristics that make up my DNA! That Loyalty, Royalty inside my DNA...I got power, and Joy! I got hustle though, ambition, flow inside my DNA! Yes, Kendrick Lamar was defiantly reading my mail, on my front porch, talking about me when he said those words! Because the truth is...Well we all have Greatest in us, its just sometimes, we get so comfortable being comfortable that we fail to realize the potential, gifts, and talents the Great Lord put within before we were even born !
So Yes I'm Falling back in love with Fall Time! but this season in my life, I'm also falling back in love with that girl, that Mom, that wife, that best-friend, that all around amazing person too! Taking those chances, giving it my all, daring to believe that my Dreams can become my realities! I'm excited that this fall she gets a chance to make her debut back into the world!
So sit back, relax, and read on as I take you all on this amazing journey called L-I-F-E with Mommy & Me Premier! Trust me this is a ride that you don't want to miss!

Chanel vs. Look For Less